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Send us your ideas:
If you have something new in your mind and you want to open it to the world? If you have new logic for anything which is new for all technical students or get exiting to work on it
Just send us an e-mail on : with fallowing details
Name of Group Members : ………………………………………
Name of Institution(Optional) : …………………………………
Guide Name :……………………………………………………..
Contact No. : …………………………………………………….
A text description of idea (about 500-1000 words/ 1-2 pages), including a concept description and a virtual implementation.
The text description should
1) Explain the essentials of the idea and how it could be implementation in terms of technical details (hardware and software bolcks), virtual implementation logic.
2) At least one image (could be a photo of a prototype as well as a hand drawn sketch)
3) If there is a video of project, send it to us or forward a U-tube link.
4) Short biography : Let us know who you are and what you are doing!
What can you submit :
Your written idea with or without result.
Your college level project with video/text/presentation/PPTs.
Self developed any module ,gadget home made work.
Opinion for future work of any already existed module/kit /project.
Your school /college discussion about any technical topics.
Video of your college project with description and demonstration etc.
.Please note: Sending your content to us doesn´t mean that you can send copied material from other source.
Publishing Fees : 600 INR For up to 4 member (one group) (You can pay online fees bellow or contact for manual deposit the fees)
(Fees include the charges of soft ARD-CERTIFICATE for each member)
(We have charge only the web maintenance fees from students and do not charge any extra hidden fees .please do not give any extra fees to any of your guide teacher or else)